Monday, March 10, 2008

Statue of liberty in Guna !

If you are passing through Guna, a district in state of Madhya Pradesh you may encounter and get attracted to replica of New York City's Statue of Liberty - a universal symbol of political freedom and democracy. One can see the same in Royal Homes complex on Guna road in the Guna district. Though the photograph shown was taken sometime earlier, as of now statue is bit damaged.(pic @anil gulati)

Some more interesting facts about Guna

Guna, is a district in north-eastern Madhya Pradesh. The district is home to the heritage citadel Bajrangarh fort, though now it is lying in depilated state. It is also had religious places such as Bishbji and Jain shrines besides a few other interesting places. Though it's not on a tourism map, neither many people know much about it, except in political circles. Guna was once famous for saris from Chanderi block of the district which recently became part of the newly formed district Ashok Nagar. The information superhighway (web world) reveals that Guna was also the birthplace of one Vijay Kumar Patodi, a mathematician who died at the young age of 31 but attained fame for his papers.

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